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The data is part of the SBtab document, but it can also be seen as separate from the model, so it’s imported with a different function. This function also loads the inputs and initial values for the model. When determining the inputs, the function takes conservation laws into account and calculates input values for conserved quantities, based on the stated initial values. The imported object ex is a list of simulation instructions:


f <- uqsa_example('AKAR4cl')                         # file names
sb <- SBtabVFGEN::sbtab_from_tsv(f)                  # a list of data.frames
#> [tsv] file[1] «100nM.tsv» belongs to Document «AKAR4cl»
#>  I'll take this as the Model Name.
#> 100nM.tsv  25nM.tsv  400nM.tsv  Compound.tsv  Experiments.tsv  Output.tsv  Parameter.tsv  Reaction.tsv
cl <- readRDS(uqsa_example('AKAR4cl',f="RDS"))       # previously saved laws
ex <-,cl)                  # includes the data
#> AKAR4_C_ConservedConst   AKAR4_ConservedConst 
#>                    0.4                   -0.2
#> AKAR4p      C 
#>    0.0    0.4

The data-sets themselves can be stored in a normal SBtab table, using any valid TableName. How many data sets there are and their type are listed in the table of experiments: Experiments.tsv. Data not listed in the table of experiments is not loaded with the function:

#>                   !Name    >C
#> AKAR4_400nM AKAR4_400nM 0.400
#> AKAR4_100nM AKAR4_100nM 0.100
#> AKAR4_25nM   AKAR4_25nM 0.025
#>                                                                                     !Comment
#> AKAR4_400nM  Figure 3—figure supplement 1 in (dark blue)
#> AKAR4_100nM       Figure 3—figure supplement 1 in (gray)
#> AKAR4_25nM  Figure 3—figure supplement 1 in (light blue)
# The first one has this data-set
#>          AKAR4pOUT
#> E400T001    108.60
#> E400T002    111.35
#> E400T003    108.75
#> E400T004    111.40
#> E400T005    111.70
#> E400T006    113.25

The values in ex are simulation instructions for all experiments.

item type meaning
input numeric vector known input parameters
initialTime numeric vector a scalar time \(t_0\)
initialState numeric vector initial state \(x_0\) of the ode \(\dot x = f(x(t),t,p=c(k,u))\), \(x(t_0)=x_0\)
outputTimes numeric vector a time vector that corresponds to when measurements were taken
outputValues data.frame the values of the data at the above outputTimes
errorValues data.frame an indication of the measurement error/noise (standard error)
events list a sudden transformation event

But, any data sets not present in Experiments, are still accessible:

#>          !Time >AKAR4pOUT ~AKAR4pOUT
#> E400T001   -15     108.60    14.7950
#> E400T002   -10     111.35    14.9325
#> E400T003    -5     108.75    14.8025
#> E400T004     0     111.40    14.9350
#> E400T005     5     111.70    14.9500
#> E400T006    10     113.25    15.0275

This works for any data set that has a TSV file - or a sheet in any other valid format (ods, xlsx). This table is just not a simulation instruction:

  • sb has the values of all tsv files/sheets
  • ex has data and simulation instructions for the rgsl package

Each experiment is a time series experiment, after the import (dose response sets are converted to one time series experiment per point).

More about this topic can be found in the SBtab section.

The rest of this page explains SBtab features that are related to data-sets and experiment descriptions.

Time Series

In a time series table, the first column is called !TimePoint, the second is typically !Time, followed by the measured quantities labelled as >outputFunctionID (values) and ~outputFunctionID (error estimates).

Label Example Meaning
!TimePoint Experiment0Time0 same as !ID, but for times (a unique string)
!Time -0.5 a floating point constant
>outputFunctionID >Calcium_Out values that are meant to be compared to the Output called Calcium_Out
~outputFunctionID ~Calcium_Out error estimated for the values in >outputFunctionID

Each time series typically requires one model simulation to reproduce (unless scheduled events are happening).

Example Time Series

!!SBtab Document='myModel' TableName='DataSetBeta'
 !TimePoint  !Time    >A_out  ~A_out      >totalB  ~totalB 
       E0T0   -1.0      1.20  0.012         201.1  12
       E0T1   +0.0      11.8  0.12          203.2  11
       E0T2   +1.0      31.7  0.19          198.7  13

Dose Response

An experiment that maps an increasing input to output values. In such cases the output has to happen at one pre-defined time-point for each dose. These dose-response curves will be transformed into n time-series experiments during parsing, where n is the number of content-rows (without headers).

label example meaning
!ID Experiment0Dose0 a unique string, identifying this dose
>anInput 300 a valid value for one of the input parameters
>outputFunctionID >Calcium_Out values that are meant to be compared to the Output called Calcium_Out
~outputFunctionID ~Calcium_Out error estimated for the values in >outputFunctionID

A dose response curve requires n simulations of the model to reproduce.

Example Dose Response Curve

This curve has two inputs and one output (A_final), each line is a separate time series with one (final) measurement time point.

!!SBtab Document='myModel' TableName='DataSetGamma'
  !ID  >treatment_dose  >treatment_duration  >A_final  ~A_final 
 E0D0  200                50                     50.1  1.2
 E0D1  1000               50                     83.2  0.9
 E0D2  7000               25                     74.7  1.8

Anything more complex has to be expressed as a Time series with an event schedule. The measurement time is taken from the Experiments table (Experiments.tsv).

Scheduled Events

An experiment can contain sudden events, in systems biology this is useful to describe experiments that include an intervention at a specified time (activation, silencing, stimulus, action potential, etc.). These events happen much faster than the system dynamics and modelling them exactly would slow down the solver dramatically. In the case of an event at time \(t\), the solver is stopped, a transformation to the current state \(x(t)\) and parameters \(p\) is applied (in our C code, in the rgsl package, not with deSolve):

The SBtab table Transformation (Tranformation.tsv as a file) defines which transformations the system is subject to.

An event table defines for each experiment, when the transformations apply.

The transformation function (C code), is auto-generated by RPN-derivative/sh/

An example of a Transformation table from the Spike model:

!!SBtab Document='Spike' TableName='Transformation'                 
!ID   >Ca  >Buffer
APCa  Ca   A*(k2-k1)*dose

These transformations apply at times given in an event schedule (Dose not used):

!!SBtab Document='Spike' TableName='AP20Hz'     
!ID          !Time  !Transformation  !Dose
Freq20HzAP0  0      APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP1  50     APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP2  100    APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP3  150    APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP4  200    APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP5  250    APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP6  300    APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP7  350    APCa             1.0
Freq20HzAP8  400    APCa             1.0

And this schedule is applied to an experiment by listing it in the Experiment table:

!!SBtab Document='Spike' TableName='Experiment'             
!ID    !Event  !T0
E20Hz  AP20Hz  -5

The !Event column specifies the event schedule for this experiment (each experiment is one row).

This setup will create this C function:

int Spike_event(double t, double y_[], void *par, int EventLabel, double dose)
    double *p_=par;
    if (!y_ || !par || EventLabel<0) return 1;
    enum eventLabel { APCa, numEvents }; /* event name indexes */
    enum stateVariable { var_Ca,var_Buffer, numStateVar }; /* state variable indexes  */
    enum param { par_k1,par_k2,par_A,par_CaBase, numParam }; /* parameter indexes  */
    double k1=p_[0];
    double k2=p_[1];
    double A=p_[2];
    double CaBase=p_[3];
    double Ca=y_[0];
    double Buffer=y_[1];
    double rf1=Buffer;
    double rf2=-k1*k2*Ca-(k1+k2)*Buffer;
    case APCa:
        y_[var_Buffer] = A*(k2-k1)*dose; /* state variable transformation */
    return GSL_SUCCESS;

Any number of transformations can be added to the table. The switch statement will select the correct one to perform, based on the label (integer/enum). In this case, there is only one transformation. See Transformation Events for more information.

Gaussian Measurement errors

For Gaussian noise, ~xyz values can be the standard deviation of the mean (standard error). the data frame has the same shape and names as the output values. The usual way to write this somewhere is typically

outputValues ± errorValues

For other error models, or noise distributions, the user can decide what kind of values are useful and use them in their custom scoring functions (untested by us).