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#> Loading required package: SBtabVFGEN

This article provides code to simulate the AKAR4 deterministic model (one time, no sampling). Specifically, given a vector of initial conditions and a default parameter, we simulate the time evolution of the concentrations of compounds in the system.

In this article, we are simulating the AKAR4 model with default parameters which are not expected to fit the data. For information on how to calibrate the AKAR4 deterministic model, i.e., to find parameter that fit the data, see the article on UQ of deterministic AKAR4.

Load the Model

This model is included with the package. To load your own model, see the user model article.

# Load the files with information on AKAR4 model and corresponding experimental data
modelFiles <- uqsa_example("AKAR4",full.names=TRUE)

# Save the information from the files into the R variable 'SBtab'
SBtab <- SBtabVFGEN::sbtab_from_tsv(modelFiles)
#> [tsv] file[1] «AKAR4_100nM.tsv» belongs to Document «AKAR4»
#>  I'll take this as the Model Name.
#> AKAR4_100nM.tsv  AKAR4_25nM.tsv  AKAR4_400nM.tsv  AKAR4_Compound.tsv  AKAR4_Experiments.tsv  AKAR4_Output.tsv  AKAR4_Parameter.tsv  AKAR4_Reaction.tsv

The AKAR4 deterministic model is an ODE model that describes the evolution in time of the concentrations of compounds in the system. The following R command will print the names of the compounds in the system and the corresponding default initial conditions.

# Names of compounds
#> [1] "AKAR4"   "AKAR4_C" "AKAR4p"  "C"

# Default initial conditions
#> [1] 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0

The ODE system that will be used to run simulations from the AKAR4 model is derived from the reactions in the AKAR4 model:

# Reactions in the AKAR4 system
#>                 !Name                             !KineticLaw
#> reaction_1 reaction_1 kf_C_AKAR4*C*AKAR4 - kb_C_AKAR4*AKAR4_C
#> reaction_2 reaction_2                      kcat_AKARp*AKAR4_C
#>                  !ReactionFormula !IsReversible
#> reaction_1  C + AKAR4 <=> AKAR4_C             1
#> reaction_2 AKAR4_C <=> AKAR4p + C             0

The ODE system is automatically generated by running the following R commands.

# Function 'checkModel' returns the model name and compiles the files that will be used to run the ODE solver
modelName <- checkModel("AKAR4",uqsa_example("AKAR4",pat="_gvf[.]c$"))
#> building a shared library from c source, and using GSL odeiv2 as backend (pkg-config is used here).
#> cc -shared -fPIC `pkg-config --cflags gsl` -o './' '/home/andreikr/.local/R/library/uqsa/extdata/AKAR4/AKAR4_gvf.c' `pkg-config --libs gsl`

# This will print the file that will be used to run the ODE simulations
#> [1] "./"

# This will load all model related functions in R. For example, it load the function AKAP79_default(), which returns the model's default parameters 
#> Loading required package: deSolve
#> kf_C_AKAR4 kb_C_AKAR4 kcat_AKARp 
#>      0.018      0.106     10.200

Load Experiments (data)

The following R commands show how to load experimental data saved in the R variable SBtab. This also includes instructions for the simulator.

# Save experimental data into the R variable 'experiments' 
experiments <-

# 'experiments' is a list of length n (= number of experiments)
# For example, this will show the initial state in experiment 1
#>   AKAR4 AKAR4_C  AKAR4p       C 
#>     0.2     0.0     0.0     0.4


Here we show how to simulate the AKAR4 ODE model using the same conditions that were used in each of the experiments. In AKAR4, the 3 experiments differ only in the initial conditions. In larger models, different experiments may also have different inputs, and this will be also taken into account when running the R commands below.

Function simulator.c will output a function (variable sim in the code below) that will allow us to simulate the AKAR4 ODE model (specified through the input argument modelName) given the experimental conditions saved in experiments.

# This will make a function `sim`, which will always simulate the scenarios described in the `experiments` list, but for user supplied parameters
sim <- simulator.c(experiments,modelName)
#> Loading required package: rgsl

# If function `simulator.c` is called with the argument `noise=TRUE`, measurement errors are simulated and added to the trajectory
sim_with_noise <- simulator.c(experiments,modelName, noise = TRUE)

The variable sim just created is a function that requires a parameter p as input argument. The output of function sim is the simulation of the ODE model given the parameter p.

# This function returns the default parameter (which is not expected to fit the experimental data)
p <- AKAR4_default()

# Simulate the model and save the simulations in variable 'y'
y <- sim(p)

# Simulate the model with simulated measurement noise
y_with_noise <- sim_with_noise(p)

In the AKAR4 example we have a list of 3 experiments, thus function sim simulates the system 3 times, each time considering the specific initial condition of the corresponding experiment. The output of function sim (here saved in the variable y) is a list of 3 elements, corresponding to the 3 experimental conditions. Each element of the list is in turn a list with the following elements: * state (simulated trajectory of the ODE system) * func (the corresponding output of the system given the computed state) * cpuSeconds (simulation runtime)


Here we plot the results of the simulations.

E <- 2 # which experiment to plot

# experimental data for experiment E
out <- experiments[[E]]$outputValues$AKAR4pOUT

# measurement error for experiment E
err <- experiments[[E]]$errorValues$AKAR4pOUT

# measurements time points
tm <- experiments[[E]]$outputTime

# Plot simulations
plot(tm,                      # time points
     y[[E]]$func[1,,1],       # simulated trajectory
     ylim=c(90,200), ylab="AKAR4p",
     main=sprintf("Experiment %i",E),

# Plot experimental data with error bars

We now run the same code to plot the simulations with nois y_with_noise.

E <- 2 # which experiment to plot

# experimental data for experiment E
out <- experiments[[E]]$outputValues$AKAR4pOUT

# measurement error for experiment E
err <- experiments[[E]]$errorValues$AKAR4pOUT

# measurements time points
tm <- experiments[[E]]$outputTime

# Plot simulations
plot(tm,                                 # time points
     y_with_noise[[E]]$func[1,,1],       # simulated trajectory
     ylim=c(90,200), ylab="AKAR4p",
     main=sprintf("Experiment %i",E),

# Plot experimental data with error bars

Plots with ggplot2

The following code plots simulations and data using an alternative function, from the package ggplot2.

#> Loading required package: ggplot2

ggplot(D) +
  geom_linerange(mapping=aes(x=time,y=AKAR4p,ymin=AKAR4p-AKAR4pERR,ymax=AKAR4p+AKAR4pERR),na.rm=TRUE) +
  geom_point(mapping=aes(x=time,y=AKAR4p),na.rm=TRUE) +

Plots for the simulations with noise y_with_noise.


ggplot(D) +
  geom_linerange(mapping=aes(x=time,y=AKAR4p,ymin=AKAR4p-AKAR4pERR,ymax=AKAR4p+AKAR4pERR),na.rm=TRUE) +
  geom_point(mapping=aes(x=time,y=AKAR4p),na.rm=TRUE) +