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The main method for model simulation is:

simulate <- simulator.c(experiments, modelName, parMap = identity)`

This has created a closure (simulate), with a single argument par:

sr <- simulate(par)  # simulation results

The simulate function remembers the experiments that it was created with and produces results of the same length as experiments.

It is often convenient to modify the parameters before passing them to the model. Here are possible reasons:

  1. the uncertainty is log normal
    • you want to pass exp(log(p) + rnorm(...)) to the model rather than p itself
  2. the Markov chain is in log-space
    • the sampler uses p, but the model needs 10^p
  3. the model parameters are linearly dependent
    • we to reliably pass c(p[1]+p[2], p[2]+p[3], p[3]-p[1]) to the model, every time

In such cases, you can write a mapping function, and use the parMap argument-slot of simulator.c:


f <- uqsa_example("AKAR4cl")
cl <- readRDS(uqsa_example("AKAR4cl",f="RDS"))
sb <- SBtabVFGEN::sbtab_from_tsv(f)                  # a list of data.frames
#> [tsv] file[1] «100nM.tsv» belongs to Document «AKAR4cl»
#>  I'll take this as the Model Name.
#> 100nM.tsv  25nM.tsv  400nM.tsv  Compound.tsv  Experiments.tsv  Output.tsv  Parameter.tsv  Reaction.tsv
ex <-,cl)                  # includes the data

parMap <- function(p){

modelName <- checkModel(comment(sb),uqsa_example("AKAR4cl",pat="_gvf.c$"))
#> building a shared library from c source, and using GSL odeiv2 as backend (pkg-config is used here).
#> cc -shared -fPIC `pkg-config --cflags gsl` -o './' '/tmp/RtmpMhLIv3/temp_libpath2362eb5b6d519b/uqsa/extdata/AKAR4cl/AKAR4cl_gvf.c' `pkg-config --libs gsl`
sim <- simulator.c(ex,modelName,parMap)
#> Loading required package: rgsl

For the first use-case listed in the motivation:

t <- as.numeric(ex[[1]]$outputTimes)
par <- log(sb$Parameter[["!DefaultValue"]])
np <- length(par)

stdv <- 0.2
REPS <- 50
P <- matrix(rnorm(np*REPS,mean=par,sd=stdv),np,REPS)
#> [1]  3 50

stm <- Sys.time()
sr <- sim(P)
etm <- Sys.time()
#> Time difference of 0.03952599 secs

All trajectories, randomly sampled from log-space:

T <- rep(c(t,NA),REPS)                                  # the NA value will break the line
Z <- as.numeric(sr[[1]]$func[1,c(seq_along(t),NA),])    # at the end, so it doesn't loop

#> [1] TRUE