This function proposes an MCMC candidate variable, and either accepts or rejects the candidate
This function receives a current MCMC variable, then calculates a possible successor and returns it in the case of acceptance. It returns the (old) current state upon rejection of the candidate.
gradLogLikelihood = NULL,
gprior = NULL,
fisherInformation = NULL,
fisherInformationPrior = NULL,
Sigma = NULL
- simulate
a function that simulates the model for a given parMCMC
- experiments
the list of experiments (with simulation instructions)
- logLikelihood
a function that calculates log-likelihood values for given parMCMC
- dprior
prior density function
- gradLogLikelihood
a function that calculates the gradient of the log-likelihood for given parMCMC
- gprior
gradient of the prior density
- fisherInformation
a function that calculates approximates Fisher information matrices
- fisherInformationPrior
a constant matrix, the prior distributions fisher information
- Sigma
alternatively, Sigma=solve(fisherInformationPrior), the inverse to fisherInformationPrior can be specified for the metropolis algorithm
The Markov chain has a current state (the MCMC variable, often x in literature), but in the context of sampling the MCMC variables are used as the parameters to a scientific model of some sort (and these often have state variables, also x, or y). This is why we call the variables parMCMC (parABC), or parCurrent|Given|Proposal, and similar.