Sample AKAP79
We use icpm-kth/SBtabVFGEN
to read the model files and
as an interface to gsl_odeiv2
solvers (for initial value problems) to simulate the model:
#> Loading required package: parallel
Next, we import the model’s data tables from the SBtab files:
modelName <- checkModel("AKAP79",uqsa_example("AKAP79",pat="_gvf[.]c$"))
modelFiles <- uqsa_example(modelName,pat="[.]tsv$")
SBtab <- SBtabVFGEN::sbtab_from_tsv(modelFiles)
experiments <-
The function checkModel
checks that the model files
exist and compiles the model to a shared library using a c compiler, if
the second argument is a c file.
parVal <- SBtab$Parameter[["!DefaultValue"]]
We have also defined a function that will transform the sampling
variables parABC
used by the ABC method into something that
the model will accept as parameters. The plan is to sample in
logarithmic space: the ABC algorithm will sample the logarithms of the
model parameters. We limit the sampling to ranges, as appropriate for
each parameter:
defRange <- c(rep(1000,19),1.9,1000,1.25,1.25,1.25,1.5,1.5,2)
ll <- parVal/defRange # lower limit
ul <- parVal*defRange # upper limit
ll = log10(ll) # log10-scale
ul = log10(ul) # log10-scale
The sampling procedure takes data in the list of
and compares the data points to the solution
that gsl_odeiv2
returns. We define a list of experiments,
subdividing them into smaller groups and processing the groups in
sequence. Between the rounds of sampling the posterior of every result
is used as the prior distribution of the next round. This mimics the
arrival of data sets in sequence (from the lab). The intermediate
distributions will be modelled using VineCopula
Problem Size and core distribution:
ns <- 100 # Size of the sub-sample from each chain
npc <- 1000 # pre-calibration sample size
nChains <- 4
nCores <- parallel::detectCores()
nCoresPerChain <- nCores %/% nChains
ABC related settings:
delta <- 0.01
distanceMeasure <- function(funcSim, dataExpr=Inf, dataErr=Inf){
if (all(is.finite(funcSim))){
distance <- mean(((funcSim-as.matrix(dataExpr))/as.matrix(dataErr))^2, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
distance <- Inf
We also setup a convenience function which saves the sampled values to a file:
save_sample <- function(ind,ABCMCMCoutput){
I <- paste(ind, collapse="_")
timeStr <- Sys.time()
timeStr <- gsub(":","_", timeStr)
timeStr <- gsub(" ","_", timeStr)
if (!dir.exists("./PosteriorSamples")) {
outFileR <- paste("./PosteriorSamples/Draws",modelName,"nChains",nChains,"ns",ns,"npc",npc,I,timeStr,".RData",collapse="_",sep="_")
save(ABCMCMCoutput, file=outFileR)
Build a random number generator, and density function for the intial prior:
rprior <- rUniformPrior(ll, ul)
dprior <- dUniformPrior(ll, ul)
The sampling loop:
start_time = Sys.time()
for (i in 1:length(experimentsIndices)){
expInd <- experimentsIndices[[i]]
objectiveFunction <- makeObjective(experiments[expInd], modelName, distanceMeasure, log10ParMap)
options(mc.cores = nCores)
pC <- preCalibration(objectiveFunction, npc, rprior)
M <- getMCMCPar(pC$prePar, pC$preDelta, delta=delta, num = nChains)
options(mc.cores = nCoresPerChain)
cl <- makeForkCluster(nChains)
clusterExport(cl, c("objectiveFunction", "M", "ns", "delta", "dprior"))
out_ABCMCMC <- parLapply(cl, 1:nChains, function(j) ABCMCMC(objectiveFunction, M$startPar[,j], ns, M$Sigma, delta, dprior))
ABCMCMCoutput <-, c(rbind,out_ABCMCMC))
if(i == 1){
C <- fitCopula(ABCMCMCoutput$draws, nCoresPerChain)
} else { # Keep the draws that also fit the experiments considered in previous loops
objectiveFunction <- makeObjective(experiments[unlist(experimentsIndices[1:(i-1)])], modelName, distanceMeasure, log10ParMap)
# We relax the delta from 0.01 to 0.05
ABCMCMCoutput$drawsAfterCheckFit <- checkFitWithPreviousExperiments(ABCMCMCoutput$draws,objectiveFunction,delta = delta*5)
C <- fitCopula(ABCMCMCoutput$drawsAfterCheckFit, nCoresPerChain)
rprior <- rCopulaPrior(C)
dprior <- dCopulaPrior(C)
end_time = Sys.time()
time_ = end_time - start_time
cat("Total time:\n",time_)
The sampling loop ran for ~24.5 minutes on a machine with the following specs:
MacBook Pro | (13-inch, M1, 2020) |
Chip: | Apple M1 |
Memory: | 16 GB |
The result is a collection of intermediate samples (2 files) and a final posterior sample (1 file).